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Professor Stuart Conway
Department of Chemistry
University of Oxford
Chemistry Research Laboratory,
Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TA
Tel: +44 1865 285109
Twitter: @conway_group

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Postdoctoral positions

We do not currently have any funded post-doctoral positions available. However, suggested sources of funding for post-doctoral research projects are shown below, applicants are welcome to contact Professor Conway to discuss potential proposals:

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Individual Fellowships
Royal Society Newton International Fellowships

DPhil positions

Candidates interested in joining the group should contact Professor Conway with a CV. Formal applications should be made through the Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford. Information on how to apply, funding requirements and sources of funding can be found

There are several doctoral training centres (DTCs) which the group is involved in, including the
Chemistry in Cells 4-year DPhil programme, Sustainable Approaches to Biomedical Sciences CDT, the Synthesis for Biology and Medicine CDT, and the Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP.

Part II students

If you are interested in finding out about the projects on offer and joining the group then please contact Professor Conway and see our poster at the Part II open day.